Myself and resident pianist John Kamfonas presented a free improvisation set at Micah Wood's exposition entitled "Of Mice and Them".
About the exposition:
This exhibition titled Of Mice and Them is an ongoing investigation that I have with the theme of mice and my relationship to them. The title is a direct reference to both John Steinbeck’s novella Of Mice and Men and Robert Burns’s poem To A Mouse. Here is a snippet of the poem, “The best-laid schemes o’ mice an’ men, gang aft agley, An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain.” For a while now I have been compulsively thinking about mice; the animal, in it’s purest element, the mouse as a metaphor for the situations that humans can be put in, and the park that resides right across my studio, “Parc Montsouris” or “Mice mountain park”. Mice as a subject matter pervades many of the artworks that I’ve chosen to install but does not restrict the meaning to that of just mice. With the residency, I’ve been thinking a lot about the architecture that is directly around me and it has influenced my line of creativity greatly. Many of the shapes and forms come directly from the interiors and exteriors of the buildings here in Paris and especially the Cité. What’s meant to be seen and what is not meant to be seen, aspects of privacy versus public are all areas that fascinate me. Certain aspects of the theater also come into the work, because I think the curtain, as a tool for separating reality from a theatrical production and about how the backstage is so hidden but contains so much even more theatricality at times than what is on stage. Of Mice and Them is then an exhibition exploring my thought process on mice, my inner psyche, and the theater.